JLSFRC Strategic Plan
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In 2021, JLSFRC brought together board members, staff and a diverse group of community stakeholders to explore the organization’s strengths, challenges, growth potential and vision for the future. The outcome of this evaluation and planning process was a new set of cultural beliefs and strategic goals to carry our center forward over the next decade.
Our Cultural Belief Statements
- Welcome All: I will greet others with warmth and acknowledge each person’s importance.
- Include All and Promote Equity: I am inclusive to people of all backgrounds and provide appropriate supports to meet individual needs.
- Build Relationships: I will listen, collaborate, educate, promote honesty and safeguard confidentiality.
- Strengthen Individuals and Communities: I am flexible, proactive and responsive to the community’s changing needs.
JLSFRC's Strategic Goals
- Develop and deliver targeted outreach campaigns in English and Spanish for clients, volunteers, supporters and the community at large – including Latinx, LGBTQ and other marginalized groups of community members.
- Ensure staff capacity through increased compensation, benefits, education and career advancement opportunities.
- Empower people to ask for help and pursue resources.
- Create financial stability and sustainability through diverse fundraising strategies and responsible stewardship.
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