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Disability Supports

Disability Mentoring

In spring 2022, with financial assistance from Mentor WA, YAAS! was able to represent the Family Resource Center and train with the Disability Mentoring Coalition and Partners for Youth with Disabilities, to become a nationally certified Disability Mentoring organization. The inclusion plan and capstone project from YAAS! was focused on building a Disability Awareness training that could be delivered on a local level. This project was so inspiring that YAAS! was invited to participate in fall 2022 in a National Senior Certification and successfully gained certification at this uppermost level at the end of 2022. To date, YAAS! has delivered their Disability Awareness Training to 5 San Juan Island organizations and they will continue to offer this training on an ongoing basis.

Parent to Parent

Parent to Parent offers emotional support, insight and understanding to parents who learn their children have special needs or whose child is going through a transitional period. Personal support from another parent, who has a child with similar needs, can be helpful in coping with many challenging experiences and feelings. Parent to Parent provides information and referrals to community resources, services, support groups, state support programs, Helping Parent, and events to bring families together and gain relationships.


Established in October 2019, YAAS! (formerly the Young Adult Association of San Juan) is a social and community service group for disabled young adults. It’s open to anyone aged 17+ and meets weekly via Zoom on Fridays. Additionally, the group organizes monthly events like theater outings, dance parties, and community activities.

Do you need additional assistance?

Call (360) 378-5246

Do you need additional assistance?

Call (360) 378-5246