Parent to Parent

You are not alone. We have been there.

Learning that your child has a disability or chronic health need can be a traumatic experience.

Parents have many questions and concerns when coping with their child’s needs and their own feelings. Sometimes the most valuable support will come from other parents who have traveled the road before you. We understand the emotions, myths, and realities of parenting a child with a disability or special need. We don’t necessarily solve a family’s problem, but we are willing to listen and share our own experiences. We are composed of parents, siblings, and extended family members of people with disabilities.


Parent to Parent offers emotional support, insight and understanding to parents who learn their children have special needs or whose child is going through a transitional period. Personal support from another parent, who has a child with similar needs, can be helpful in coping with many challenging experiences and feelings. Parent to Parent provides information and referrals to community resources, services, support groups, state support programs, Helping Parent**, and events to bring families together and gain relationships.


**Helping Parents are volunteers who have completed a training program and are available to provide support and information to other parents. A Helping Parent is the parent/guardian of a child with a disability who completed training with the Parent to Parent Program. A Helping Parent is matched with a parent of a child with similar experiences, needs, or disability. Helping Parents are non-judgmental and will actively listen, provide emotional support, maintain confidentiality and share ideas and resources. All information will be kept confidential. There is no cost for this service.

What is Parent to Parent?

Learning that your child has a disability can be an overwhelming experience. Parents have many questions and concerns about coping with their child’s special needs and their own feelings.

Whether you are just learning of your child’s disability or complex healthcare challenge, seeking new information, or navigating life transitions with your child, our program is here to help you find the resources and advocacy you need to get the best care possible for your child and your family.

As a local chapter of the national Parent to Parent program, Parent to Parent San Juans can also connect you with other local families who have similar experiences. Our program’s Helping Parents (volunteer peer mentors) are available to provide compassionate listening, encouragement and helpful information because we know that living on an island can create additional barriers to receiving the special resources you need for your child. Talking with another parent who has a child with similar needs can also be helpful in reducing social isolation, coping with fatigue and working through difficult feelings.

Parent to Parent Support Programs of Washington State is a member of the Parent to Parent USA Alliance. Washington State Parent to Parent (P2P) maintains confidentiality and does not discriminate on the basis of color, race, creed, sex, or national origin.

What Parent to Parent Offers

Is This for Me?

Parents have many questions and concerns in coping with their child’s needs and their own feelings. Personal support from another parent, who has a child with similar needs, can be helpful in coping with these challenging experiences and feelings. You are not alone. We have been there. Volunteer Helping Parents are available to provide support and information.

How Do We Start?

Reach out to our Parent to Parent program coordinator, Jen DeShon at or call (360) 622-0326.

Do you need additional assistance?

Call (360) 378-5246

Do you need additional assistance?

Call (360) 378-5246