National Mentoring Month

Children playing with a colorful parachute in a grassy field

January is National Mentoring Month! We invite you to take a moment to reflect on those who played a mentorship role in your life and thank them for being a caring adult. Mentoring relationships are vital connections that let young people know they matter. By accepting youth for who they are, listening carefully, and being patient, mentors can significantly impact their lives. Join us at the Joyce L. Sobel Family Resource Center to expand quality mentoring opportunities for local youth and help them build their identity, sense of belonging, and explore new ideas and opportunities.

Volunteers Needed: Firewood

Photo of someone chopping wood with an ax and the words "Volunteers Needed" are superimposed on the logs.

Calling all islanders! We need volunteers to assist with a splitter and hauling wood for some of our Island Neighbors. We could also use a few folks with chainsaws if you are willing!

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